PPC Management for Small Businesses in St. Louis.

PPC Management for Small Businesses in St. Louis.

The SprkSEM PPC agency is uniquely designed to help St. Louis small businesses of all sizes. We can help put you in front of qualified leads and generate a consistent flow of new customers.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing Statistics

PCC marketing is proven to be one of the fastest ways to get your business in front of qualified customers. Most businesses run ads on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Because of the nature of search ads, paid clicks result in higher click-through-rates and more purchases.

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of small to mid-sized businesses have active PPC campaigns.

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the average return on investment (ROI) for Google Adwords campaigns.

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of all clicks made by users who intend to make a purchase go to paid ads.

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PPC visitors are 50 percent more likely to make a purchase than organic visitors.

Pay-Per-Click Management

PPC Management in 2021

Over the past few years, search engine technology has changed a ton! Not only are the search algorithms managed by artificial intelligence (AI), but so are most paid search campaigns. Most PPC agencies don’t want you to know, but they use automated systems controlled by search engine AI to manage your ads. At SprkSEM, we call this “automated” PPC management. There are pros and cons to automated management, but in most cases, we recommend our clients use a manual PPC management approach.

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PPC & Local Search

For most small businesses, it is essential to target local searches. According to Google, one-third of all searches made on mobile devices are location-based. This means that there are a lot of people looking for your local business. Google also notes that 76% of people searching for something nearby will visit a business within one day. Whether you are a brick and mortar or only service online customers, local search ads can help put you in front of people seeking your product and are ready to buy.

PPC ads, managed properly, can target local searchers and put your brand in front of them. SprkSEM can help figure out if this strategy works for your business and if it will grow their online presence.

Local Search

SprkSEM’s PPC Agency

We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to paid search management. Every business is unique, and the strategies implemented should be individualized as well. Most PPC agencies charge a percentage of your PPC marketing budget, but not at SprkSEM. We offer a handful of options based on your marketing goals, but you will never pay more if your budget changes.

To get the conversation started, schedule your free strategy call by filling out the form below. The purpose of this call is to see how well our model fits your goals. It can also help you to understand the value of paid search marketing to your business.

Contact us to schedule a free strategy call and spark life back into your marketing!

Contact us to schedule a free strategy call and spark life back into your marketing!

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